Friday, August 8, 2008

Dreams to Reality

I've become very thankful for the little things that life brings and I believe very strongly in the law of attraction. I've been spending the last few weeks focusing on the things that I would like to get out of life and I even wrote out a description of what that life looks like. I have it posted on a board in my office so that I can look at it every day. I believe very strongly that one day that dream will become reality.

When I first took the time to write out the narrative of my dream life, I was struck by the realization that no where did it mention 'things.' When I'm going through a stressful time in life (like now), my automatic response is that I start accumulating 'things.' I suppose some people find shopping therapeutic; perhaps I do on some level too. The odd thing is, I prefer a simplified home without much clutter. Now try melding my behavior with my preference. Haha, it's near impossible.

I figure if I can talk about this, perhaps I will fulfill this need without actually going out to get things I do not need and more importantly things I do not want.

What do you do when you're stressed? I'm not talking about the little "I had a hard day and I'm really tired and stressed so I think I'll go to bed early" stress, I mean the "my life is literally falling apart in front of me and I have no control of the situation" kind of stress. Will I be okay? Sure I will, humans have an amazing ability to bounce back. The world really is not coming to an end, but my life tomorrow will not resemble my life yesterday and that will be okay. I'm focused on my future life and the dream that will one day be my reality.

1 comment:

Ritch in Love said...

What do I do when I am stressed?!
I'm a worry wart, you know that! I can't let things go. It's a very bad thing. I'm taking years off my life by worrying about the little things in life rather than appreciating the magical things life has blessed me with. One day I hope to master my feelings and my emotions, but until then, Popcorn will have to do what it does best...feed my tummy and my raw emotions. :)

The Family

The Family
Summer 2008