Sunday, September 28, 2008

My beautiful family...

It's rare for me that when my infant gets up for her last feeding in the night that I can't go back to sleep. I love sleep, I don't get as much of it as I would like so when I get up I can't decide if I'm bugged or if I like it. The reason I like it is because it's quiet... I know my children are tucked snug in their beds, my daughter is well fed and my hubby is sleeping soundly next to me. I take a few minutes to go check on my babies and love watching their peaceful expressions and love it when my little guy talks in his sleep (he's done that since he learned to talk, it's so cute).

One of the funnest things though is I'll turn on the TV and watch something on Food Network (if I catch the last show before the infomercials start) and snuggle into Michael. He never completely wakes up, but he always pulls me close to him and gives me a tight squeeze. It's a beautiful feeling; contentedness (is that a word?) sets in and the world is good again.

I love my family!

The Family

The Family
Summer 2008